Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Summary Explaning English Grammar – Tense and Aspect

J. A SUMMARY TENSE AND ASPECT Overview Some basic meaning distinctions between different tense forms are offered in terms of the REMOTE (or not) and FACTUAL (or not) status of perceived situations including notes on the future, time expressions, and the HISTORICAL PRESENT. A distinction is made between LEXICAL ASPECT, concerned with inherent properties of verb meaning such as STATIVE, DYNAMIC, PUNCTUAL, and DURATIVE, and GRAMMATICAL ASPECT, concerned with an internal versus an external perspective on situations. Basic forms The basic element in a English sentence is the ver.We need to talk about TENSE, to describe different forms of the verb. English has two distinct tense forms, PRESENT and PAST TENSE, and to two distinct forms for the aspect, PERFECT and PROGRESSIVE ASPECT. The MODAL VERB will is included typically as an indication of future reference. Basic English Verbs Forms Verb forms Examples Simple present I love your Mercedes Present progressive you are standing too close to it. Simple past I wanted a car just like it.Past progressive you were aiming too high. Simple future I will work for it Future progressive you will be working forever Present perfect I have worked hard before Present perfect progressive you have been working for nothing. Past perfect(pluperfect) I had saved my money Past perfect progressive you had been saving pennies Future perfect I will have saved enough Future perfect progressive you will have been saving in vainWe always need a basic verb (e. g. eat,, love,sleep) and a basic tense, either past or present. With a tense (e. g. past) and verb (e. g. eat, we can create the simple verb structure in I ate. Changes the tense to present and we get I eat. These basic elements, tense and verb are always required. We can add a modal element (e. g will) to get I will eat. We can also include elements that indicate aspect, either prefect of progressive. If we include perfect aspect (i. e have †¦+ -en), we get the structure in I have e aten. It is simply conventional to analyze the verb ending in the perfect + -en.Other verbs actually have different forms as endings,, as in the perfect aspect versions of I have loved and I have slept. We can also choose progressive aspect (i. e. be †¦ + -ing), so that different forms of the verb be are included before the basic verb, ending with + -ing as in I am eating be is sleeping. The basic structure There is a very regular pattern in the organization of all these elements used to create English verb forms. Basic structure of English verb forms Tense| Modal| Perfect| Progressive| Verb| PAST or PRESENT| WILL| HAVE+ – EN| Be + -ING| VERB|The left to right order of components is fixedEach component influences the form of the component to its right| PRESENT TENSE, HAVE †¦ + EN,BE†¦ + ING, sleep I have been sleeping. The first element is created from the influence of PRESENT TENSE on HAVE(=have). The next element is created from the influence of + -EN (=been) . The next element is formed by attaching + -ING to the verb sleep, once again at the end, to create SLEEP + -ING (=sleeping). When we choose different elements, we get different verb forms. Ex a. past tense, have †¦ + EN, love b. I had loved.In a the effect of PAST TENSE on the HAVE element creates had. The influence of the + -EN element on the verb love results in loved, as in b. Notice once again that the + -EN element actually becomes –ed at the end of most English verbs. a. PAST TENSE, BE ING,sleep b. I was sleeping. In, the PAST TENSE element combines with BE to create was and the +ING element attaches to the verb sleep to yield sleeping, as in b. Its important for teachers to understand that a grammatical element that consists of two separate parts will always be very difficult to learn. Basic meaningsTense in English is not based on simple distinctions in time. Tense The basic tense distinction in English is marked by only two forms of the verb, the PAST TENSE (I lived there ten) and the PRESENT TENSE (I live here now). Conceptually, the present tense form ties the situation described closely to the remote from the situation of utterance. The past tense form makes the situation described more remote from the situation of utterance. There is a very regular distinction in English which is marked by that versus now, there versus here, that versus thin, and past tense versus present tense.Situations in the future are treated differently. They are inherently non factual, but can be considered as either relatively certain (i. e. perceived as remote from happening) or relatively unlikely or even impossible (I. e. perceived as remote from happening). The verb form that is tradionally called ‘the future tense is actually expressed via a modal verb which indicates the relative possibility of an event. This modal also has two forms which convey the closeness (I will live here) or the remoteness (I would live there) of some situation being the ca se viewed from the situation of utterance.Meanings of the basic verb forms Concepts| Verb-forms| Remote + factualNon remote + non factualNon-remote + non-factualRemote + non factual| Past – livedPresent – liveFuture –will liveHypothetical – would live| Events described by the simple paste tense form are presented as being facts and remote from the time of utterance. The simple present tense indicates that events (also treated as facts of ‘being the case’). Are non remote. The future Future events are not treated as facts, hence are only possibilities. They are distinguished in terms of being non-remote possibilities versus remote possibilities.The forms of the verb used in statements about hypothetical (i. e. remote and non factual) such as [10], are usually described as past tense forms, but their reference is clearly not to past time. [10] If I was rich, I would change the world. Reference to time The widely recognized difference in time be tween situations referred to via the past and the present tense forms can be interpreted in terms of remoteness (or non-remoteness) in time from the time of utterance. Generally, adverbial expressions of time are used to establish time frames within which situations can be described.They do not determine how the speaker may choose to mark the relative remoteness of the event via tense. Thus, an expression like today can establish a time frame for talking about events that the speaker can describe as remote, via the past tense(e. g I slept late), or non remote, via the present tense(e. g. I’m tired). The speakers now These observations on tense in English would suggest that the widely used image of a time-line running from the past (yesterday) through the present (today) to the future (tomorrow) is not, in fact, the basis of the grammatical category of tense.The speaker’s perspective The time –line perspective Past time- present time – future time The spea ker’s perspective Remote non remote remote (non-factual) The common use of the past tense in English to represent reported speech, as 16 b, would seem to fit a more remote interpretation better than a’ past time’ interpretation. The difference between the direct speech of 16a and indirect speech of 16b is not a matter of time, but of distance from the reporting situation. 16 a. She said. ‘I am waiting here. B. She said that she was waiting here.Aspect In order to talk about ASPECT, we have to look inside the situation, In terms of its internal dimensions, a situation may be represented as fixed or changing, it may be treated as lasting for only a moment or having duration, and it can be viewed as complete or as ongoing. These are aspectual distinctions. Because aspect has to do with the kind of situation perceived or experienced, it can be expressed both lexically and grammatically. The grammatical expression of aspect is accomplished via the perfect and p rogressive forms of the verb. Stative dynamicVerbs commonly used with STATIVE meanings apply to situations that are relatively constant over time and describe cognitive (i. e mental) states such as knowledge (know, understand), and emotion (hate, like) or relations (be,have). Most verbs are not used with stative meanings, but have the concept of change as an essential characteristic and apply to DYNAMIC situations. Dynamic situations can be divided into those viewed as having almost no duration (non durative) versus those having duration (durative). Punctual or durative Verbs used with non-durative meanings typically describe isolated acts (kick, hit, smash).Another term for non-durative is punctual aspect, related to the point in time interpretation of expressions (fire a gun, smash a window) which do not extend through time. DURATIVE aspect is an essential feature of verbs that denote activities(run, eat). Types of lexical aspect Stative Dynamic Punctual Durative Cognition Relatio nsActs Activities ProcessesBelieve be hit eat becomeHate belong jump run changeKnow contain kick swim flowLike have stab walk growUnderstand own strike work hardenWant resemble throw write learn| Those verbs that denote stative concepts in English tend not to be used with progressive forms.Those verbs that are typically used with punctual aspect, describing momentary acts (kick, cough), take on a slightly different meaning when used in the progressive form. Grammatical aspect The basic GRAMMATICAL distinction in English ASPECT is marked by two forms of the verb. These are traditionally described as versions of the verb be with the present participle (Verb+ ing) for the progressive, as in [20a], and versions of have with the past participle (Verb + -en/ed) for the perfect, as in [20b]. 20. a. I am/was eating b. I have/had eaten Grammatical aspect Concept of situation Progressive viewed from the inside, in progress.Perfect viewed from the outside, in retrospect. Combining lexical and grammatical aspect Grammatical aspect Lexical aspect Implicated meaning Perfect + dynamic Completed activity retrospectively viewed Perfect + stative Pre-existing state retrospectively viewed. Progressive + dynamic ongoing activity internally viewed Progressive + stative Temporary state internally viewed The tense of the verb will that implicated meaning to the situation of utterance. Meaning components of verb formsI PRESENT HAVE+-EN/ED BE + -ING work very hard Time of utterance external view I PRESENT HAVE+-EN/ED BE + -ING work very hard Time of utterance external view internal view dynamic activity in retrospect in progress(= at this time I look back at myself in an activity viewed internally as in progress| You PAST HAVE+-EN/ED BE + -ING learn a l ot Remote from external view internal view dynamic processTime of in retrospect in progress utterance (= at that I looked back at you in a process viewed internally as in progress). | Meanings in contextThe distinction in tense between remote (past) and non remote (present) has a typical application in organization information in discourse. Information that is treated as part of the BACKGROUND will tend to be expressed in the past tense. Information that is of current concern, in the FOREGROUND, will be expressed in the present tense. Background scene setting, particularly in stories, is often expressed in the past progressive. In narratives In less technical writing, a similar distinction can be maintained between, present tense for presenting general statements and past tense for specific events. In narrative text, there can also be a general background versus foreground effect associated with different tenses.There is no obvious reason, in terms of narrating the events, why the fate of two people should be described in the past tense and that of another in the present. Within narratives that only use past tense, there is often a background role given to the past progressive and a foreground role for the simple past. In spoken discourse The speaker uses the past progressive for the initial background, or scene-setting, then shifts into the present tense to highlight the salient event in the story and her own internal reaction. Background and foreground information Background information past tense (Specific acts, events, old focus, settings) Foreground information present tense (General statements, facts, new focus, changes).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Value of science

Richard Funnyman Is a world renowned physicists, he is known especially for his help In the development of the atomic bomb. Considering that he Is the creator of the worlds most dangerous weapon, The Value of Science can be interpreted on an entirely different level as Funnyman goes back and forth on the concepts of good vs.. Evil as a way to reflect his moral conscience. Richard Funnyman' morality can be seen through his passages about good and evil in the world of science and the world outside of science.During Funnyman' opening point he states that when good things re created because of science It Is because â€Å"moral choice† (Funnyman 64) led them to that discovery. In other words, when someone makes something beneficial in science it is simply because while they were making it they were considering what is right and wrong. He continues by saying that each scientist is given the power â€Å"to do either good or bad† (Funnyman 64). However, there are no instruction s on how to decipher which one you are doing.Therefore, you could create something disastrous due to the lack of direction. In addition, he references a Buddhist proverb, â€Å"To every man Is given the key to the gates of heaven; the same key opens the gates of hell† (Funnyman 64). He is relating this quote to the good and bad choices that can be made in science. For example, in the proverb the â€Å"kef' would be the science, â€Å"heaven† would be the good that can come from science, and â€Å"hell† would be the bad that can come from science.However, whether it be the power to do something good or bad or the key to heaven or hell there are never and instructions on which choices will lead you here. If you don't have Instructions, â€Å"the key may be a dangerous object to use† (Funnyman 64). Based on the diction he uses In this section It suggests that he Is feelings guilty for the effects of the atomic bomb since he is using words such as â€Å"bad †, â€Å"evil†, and â€Å"dangerous†. It suggests that perhaps Funnyman feels as if he opened the gate to hell rather than the gate to heaven through his invention.His guilt is further shown with his comparison of science to the world outside of science. Richard Funnyman uses things outside of science to compare and Justify his morals about what he has done In science. For example, he states that education, communication, and applied science can be a â€Å"strong force, but for either good or evil† (Funnyman 69). It can be interpreted that he is referencing the atomic bomb by the repetition of the words â€Å"strong force† because the atomic bomb is the most feared bomb in the world due to how much power it is has.Also, when he says that these strong forces can be used for â€Å"good or evil† (Funnyman 69) it could mean that the mob could be used for good, In which cases It wouldn't harm any civilians, or It can be used for evil, like how It was used In World War II where the bomb was used and killed 80,000 people instantly. He is using these examples outside of science as a way to show that, yes, science can create horror, but there are so many other things in the world that can create the same outcome. Following this further, he states that â€Å"nearly everybody dislikes war and continues by saying that â€Å"our dream today is peace† (Funnyman 69).However, he further explains this point by giving an example of how eventually peace turns Into a bad thing also. This rationale used by Funnyman war. If this is the case, his example of peace being a bad thing would reference the fact that, the atomic bomb ended the war, but there was so much horror in the way it ended that it is impossible to actually have peace. The passage â€Å"Education, for Good and Evil† as a whole suggests that he is trying to take attention off of science alone being bad, by bring other things into the equation.This section of his writing shows his morality through his diction and repetition, if there were no remorse for his decisions the whole piece would take a completely different purpose. Origin, an ancient theologian, once said, â€Å"the power of choosing good and evil is within the reach of all. † Richard Funnyman shows that this is entirely possible to do, given that the person making the decision is in touch with their morals. Good things can be created from knowledge, but the biggest part of creating something great is the use of moral choices.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis of Goya's Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Analysis of Goya's Art - Essay Example A painting that depicts the ideologies of the time is from the â€Å"El Tres de Mayo† painted in 1814 with oil on canvas (see Appendix A). This particular painting represented the various movements of the time in terms of politics, culture, society and the philosophies of Goya. Analysis of Goya’s El Tres de Mayo The concepts that are represented in the painting of El Tres de Mayo begin with creating a narrative about the time frame and the Revolts that were occurring during the time frame in Spain. The painting is oil on canvas and is 266 x 345 centimeters. It is currently located at the Prado Museum in Spain and remains a collection that is representative of the changing culture of Spain. The date of release of the painting was in 1814 during the time of the Revolution in Spain and the Napoleonic Wars. The painting represents the subject matter of soldiers working from the political upheaval on one side of the canvas. The other canvas has the common man who is opposed to the political structure. A central man is located on the left side of the canvas with his hands in the air. Two men are lying in the left hand corner of the canvas that are dead while other men are circled around the central man who is holding his hands in the air. Some are bending over to one side while the others on the right are covering their eyes while moving up to a platform. The background behind the common men is a hill while the background behind this is a church or castle with two other buildings that are shaded into the area. The subject matter that Goya creates is one that is noted through specific techniques first. The lines that are in the subject matter create a division through the center of the canvas and build a division between light and dark. This is furthered with the light side of the canvas having the common men while the right side having the darker shades of gray and black. The techniques that Goya use don’t add in colors but instead use only shade s of white, gray and black as well as some browns. These are designed to blend into the other colors and to create lines while showing a darker subject matter that is representative of the revolts at the time. The shading that is used then moves into the division of light and dark between the two sides. This helps to accent the main subject matter of the common man while the other lines are pointing toward this as a highlight in subject material. The shading and the lines that are used are further highlighted with divisions that Goya creates through the individual subject matter of each of the men in the canvas. The lines are the main representation, specifically with the soldiers on one side. The perspective and lines remains straight with the stance of each of the soldiers while the guns are all held at a 90 degree angle. This helps to accent the organization of politics and points at how this creates the common man to become subjected to the political movements of the time. The l ines in the background of the building structures further highlight the revolts and problems that occurred at the time. The lines and divisions that are created on the side which is with lighter shades remains more chaotic and highlights the loss the men are going through. Instead of straight angles, there are rounder and more curved lines through each of the men, such as them bending over or falling. The only man who has a straighter angle is the main subject, shown by raised hands in the air. This highlights the common man and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

NBA and NFL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

NBA and NFL - Essay Example A 17 weeks long season is run by the NFL starting from the week after the Labor Day to the week before Christmas. Each team in the league is allowed to have 53 players and only 46 of them are allowed to be active on the day of the game. Major differences exist between the NBA and NFL. First of all let’s start from the business perspective where the NFL is considered to be more profitable than the NBA. Although this may not seem important but it does give NBA’s owner some leverage. This may not make sense at first, however it is true. As the NFL is so successful, both the owners and the players may be missing huge profits, on missing every second season. However the NBA’s owner may not suffer much because the league is less profitable than NFL. Next is that the NBA’s player make more money than the NFL’s players. The calculated NBA’s player is 2.5 times more than the NFL’s player salary. This indicates that the NBA’s players are more desperate in getting their deals done, as they’ll me losing more money with every missed paycheck. When we combinethis leverage with the previous one, it seems that the owners are desperate to do anything for getting the dea l done for which the players sometimes need to make some major concessions. This is the reason why the NBA’s owner uses small tactics for ensuring their security in new NBA. There is no doubt about the fact that the average attendance of the matches of top five NBA’s team is 20,000 which is much more than the average attendance of NFL’s matches, around 4,000. This is the main reason that why the salaries of the NBA’s player is much more than NFL’s players. In fact the salaries of two average players at NBA may account for the salaries of all the NFL’s players. Another reason is that NBA is played in USA, therefore it grasp the attention of a much larger audience. Whereas, NBL is played in Australia; therefore its attendance are

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Special Interests Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 6

Special Interests - Essay Example Despite the fact that interest groups and political parties are separate institutions in terms of the functions they perform, today they have formed joint associations. Interest groups therefore have a joint association with political parties and also try to influence the president and Congress as these two branches work together to make policy. This paper defines an interest group and gives examples, discusses the relationship between interest groups and political parties, and explains how interest groups try to influence the president and Congress as the two branches work together to make policy. Keywords: Interest Group, Political Party, Policy, Interests, Lobbyists, Lobbying, President, Congress, Associations, Relationship, Campaign Finance, Grassroots Activities 1. Define an interest group, with examples People have different pursuits that they attach value to and defend. Such pursuits despite being focused towards different goals are all known as interests. Interests can theref ore be ethnic, religious, economic, or based on a range of other issues. ... 9). Interest groups have different structures and sizes, with some having many members, while others have no members at all. In the same way, some are organized in formal ways with bylaws, leaders, members, and holding of meetings regularly, while others are not organized in a formal way, hence loosely knit and have a few rules, with no leaders. Interest groups are therefore of different types, with the major types representing the areas of the economy. These include economic interest groups, environmental groups, public interest groups, and other interest groups. Economic interest groups. They form the largest category of interest groups. Bardes, Shelley, and Schmidt (2008) point out that â€Å"the major sectors that seek influence in Washington, D.C., include business, agriculture, labor unions and their members, government workers, and professionals† (p. 225). Trade associations and business interest groups are formed by those in business, and their main role is to influenc e the policies made by the government that have an impact on their businesses. Examples of business interest groups in the United States include the National Association of manufacturers and the U.S. Chamber of commerce that represent businesses and manufacturing matters respectively. Agricultural interest groups are formed by agricultural farmers and their employees. Despite the fact that they represent a very small number of the US population, farmers and their employees in the United States have been able to influence legislations touching on their interests. Examples include the American Farm Bureau Federation, the National Farmers Union, The peanut Growers Group, The American Dairy Association, and the National Soybean Association (Bardes, Shelley, &

Saponification Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Saponification - Lab Report Example Although soaps and detergents are surfactants they are different in that sops are made from natural products while detergents are made from man-made product which may have some negative effect on the environment. Soaps work through a process called emulsification. This is where soap combines with non water soluble agents detaching them from the material. A micelle can be found in colloidal electrolyte solutions of soaps and detergents. It is formed from an aggregate of molecules resulting in charged particles (Herz 136). Formation of potassium soap is as a result of carboxylate anions and univalent cation to form a soap salt. A mixture of anions is due to the fatty acid residue present in the triglyceride molecule. No precipitate is formed with water because potassium soaps are highly soluble. The experiment was a success as potassium soap which was the required product was achieved at the end of the experiment. The potassium soap was able to remove grease thus proving the efficiency of the product. Hard water contains minerals that easily react with soap to form a solid precipitate called scum, detergents do not react with the minerals in hard water thus the lack of scum while using detergents, this one demerit of using soap over detergent. Soap is cheap and does not damage the fabric compared to detergent. Detergents on the other hand are effective against tough stains compared to soaps (Herz

Friday, July 26, 2019

What will happen to Iraq if the US leaves Essay

What will happen to Iraq if the US leaves - Essay Example One of the most important events in the current world affairs is the invasion of Iraq by the US and there have been several essential voices arguing that it is high time for the US to leave the region to set the Iraqis free to pursue their political and economic destiny. Critics who regard the invasion of Iraq by the US as a serious offence against the freedom of that nation argue that America needs to establish normalcy in the region before they leave the land. "No one can say with confidence what will happen in Iraq if the United States leaves precipitously and without making a continuing effort to compensate for its mistakes and failures. It is easy to talk about intensive civil war, 'blood baths', and an international resurgence of al-Qaida. Such worst cases are possible, but the most likely result is less violent sectarian and ethnic cleansing, and the de facto division of much of the country." (Cordesman and Davies, 2008, p 737). Therefore, the most essential question in the pr esent context is not whether the US invasion of Iraq is justifiable or not, but what happens if the US leaves Iraq all on a sudden. In this paper a careful and reflective analysis of this essential question concerning Iraq's future if the US leaves the region is conducted and the discussion in this regard not only is vital to an understanding of the political system in the US but also to an understanding of some of the most important world affairs as well as affairs in the Iraqi region. In a careful analysis of the current situation in Iraq, it is essential to comprehend that there are several benefits if the US army stay longer in the region. People, who consider that going into Iraq was a big mistake committed by the US, are greatly concerned about what will happen when USA leaves Iraq. To most of them, it will be foolish to consider that the Iraqis are able to defend themselves against all the issues in the country and the region. First of all, there will be great chaos in the nation and the region if the US leaves immediately. Although there are people who argue for the rapid withdrawal of the US troops from the region, on the basis of the unfortunate developments precipitated by the US invasion of Iraq, it is not logical for the army to leave the region before the Iraqi security forces are self-sufficient. Such a rapid withdrawal of the US troops will inflict long term damage on US credibility and ability to deter enemies and would facilitate the objectives of the al-Qaeda. "In Iraq, the United States has demonstrated that it will stand and fight in the face of adversity when it believes that its core interests are at stake. US determination in Iraq has done much to counter previous jihadists' perceptions of the United States as a 'paper tiger' If the United States leaves prematurely, these gains will be lost and Iraq will join Vietnam, Beirut, Aden, and Somalia in the jihadi mantra regarding US weakness." (Forest, 2007, p 47). Apart from these, it is also argued that some of the powerful leaders from within Iraq can emerge in the nation, take over the government and eventually result in another dictatorship. Also there is a possibility that Iran will invade Iraq and take over it if the US leaves the region all on a sudden. There is a serious argument that "Iraq will become a terrorist haven if the United States leaves." (Preble and Logan, 2005). Reports from the Baghdad confirms that the US withdrawal from the region can affect the norma lization process of the country and "Iraq's foreign minister warned that a quick American military withdrawal from the country could lead to a full-scale civil war, the collapse of the government and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Theater History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Theater History - Essay Example Entertainment in these early times involved travelling productions. With the rise however of very popular stars and the clamor of audiences to see their performances as often as they possibly could, the stage theaters started to be strongly patronized. This also marked the beginning of the single play with long-running stage productions. Significantly thereafter, the theater started to become one of the oldest forms of entertainment, and this, even long before the televisions and the cinemas were born. This paper will particularly focus on the following key points: realism, the resurgence of new melodrama and that of political censorship, with the end in view of not only discovering the correlations between the aforementioned key points and the rise of the stars, but that of their linkage as well, to the future growth of theater itself. (Germany) and Konstantin Stranislavsky (Moscow) advocated realism, the true depictions of life. Eventually, this soon became the dominant mode in most of the theatrical productions not only in Europe but also in the West ( Most of the playwrights and production directors centered on the lives of shining stars like French stage actress Sarah Bernhardt (1844 -1923) and Italian stage player Eleonora Duse (1858 -1924). The renowned Sarah with the reputation of being a very serious dramatic actress then was referred to as "the most famous actress in the history of the world". She would later in this artistic profession earn the nickname of "The Divine Sarah" (Wikipedia). Injuring her right leg in 1905, an amputation was done in 1915, but this did not stop the ambivalent Sarah from continuing to tour and perform. She succumbed to a lingering ailment and made her final goodbye in 1923 while filming La Voyante ( E leonora Duse, on the other hand, was considered as the greatest Italian player of her age, marking her American debut in 1893. With nineteen years hiatus, she made her farewell tour in 1923 (Fuse). Both Sarah and Eleonora had beautiful golden voices and each shared their respective abilities to breathe their emotional lives into the classic roles that they performed. Consequently, in their own respective rights, they would each further the movement toward the bringing about of remarkable realistic acting. Their professional careers became major successes despite of the fact that both their real lives were wrought and harrowed by the characters that they played. This fusion of realism and drama that are seen in turn in both these dramatic performers ushered in many changes in scenic and costume design, acting styles and staging. Similarly, in real life, both of them from frequent bouts of physical ailments, most of the time some financial difficulties, and the common problem of havin g countless love affairs. In any event, together, the two great stage actresses were most instrumental to making the concept of realism, the most dominant mode in the history of playwriting and theatrical productions during the 19th century. RESURGENCE OF NEW MELODRAMA "Melodrama was the primary form of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Development of Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Development of Health Care - Essay Example In Elizabethan times, parishes had to bear with the responsibility of taking care of the poor living in the community (Liverpool Echo 2009). The poor in those days could benefit from "outdoor relief" in the form of food, clothing and fuel. However, with an unwieldy appreciation in the poor population, the parishes decided to withdraw this already insufficient outdoor relief and started resorting to "indoor relief" in the guise of hell like workhouses that required the less miserable amongst the poor lot of Britain to bear with inhuman work conditions in lieu of a pitiable yet indispensable sustenance (Liverpool Echo 2009). However, the things got worst at the start of the 19th century, which led to the introduction of Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834. Zillions of workhouses came up all across the UK. Poor Relief reduced to a shameful pittance accessible only to those who were willing to opt for exploitative workhouses instead of a hapless existence. The life in such workhouses was far from being bearable and homely. Comfort was an elusive pie in the sky that was far beyond the reach of even the relatively well to do poor. In fact, the possibility of affiliating to some workhouse was a perpetual fear that haunted the deprived families huddled in the slums to bear with their hopeless existence. Workhouse records and Census returns do elaborately testify to the miserable lot of the poor in the 19th century. Workhouses were a dreaded place divested of all hope and future. The moving spirit behind these workhouses was to keep the living standards of the inmates much below that of the lowest paid labourer. The poor had to bear with subhuman rules and norms, which made their lives frustratingly monotonous (Hull Daily Mail 2007). They ha d to carry their pitiable status with them in the guise of grey tweed suits and blue and white striped dresses (Hull Daily Mail 2007). A harsh policy of gender segregation went to the extent of separating even married couples and siblings.Homelessness and abject poverty appropriated within their scope a plethora of health problems. The life expectancy amongst the workhouse residents was very low and they exhibited some of the highest death rates in the UK. The poor huddled in the workhouses were four times more prone to accidents and thirty five times more likely to commit suicide (Herald Express 2008). Chest and skin infections, gastrointestinal troubles, poor circulation, compromised dental hygiene, anaemia, and visual and nutritional problems perpetually defined the life at a workhouse (Herald Express 2008).Yet, the biggest eliminator tended to be the extreme mental and emotional turmoil that the poor in Britain had to cope up with in these workhouses. The senseless and absurd pr actice of classifying the poor by the criteria of 'deserving poor' and the 'undeserving poor' added insult to injury. The 'deserving' being those who were too old or infirm to work while the 'undeserving' being wandering beggars and destitute. The principle of less eligibility smacked of a festering annoyance and intolerability in the society and the state that intended to keep the unemployed deliberately poor; and vulnerable to or rather forced to taking jobs for which they were essentially unqualified or averse to (Baggot 2004). Of course, such

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Role of Attitude in Organizational Behavior Essay

Role of Attitude in Organizational Behavior - Essay Example For example, the attitude of a person towards a friend can be examined in terms of cognitive component (â€Å"I think my friend is funny and pleasant†), affective component (â€Å"I feel nice when I am around this friend†) and behavioral component (â€Å"I try to spend time with this friend whenever I get an opportunity†). Attitudes of a person are influenced by both values and beliefs. Values reflect a general sense of right or wrong and do not require an identifiable object towards which it is directed (Cheek 2006). Values are therefore deeply rooted views that act as guiding principles for an individual. On the other hand beliefs are assumptions that one makes about oneself, about others and about how we expect things to be (Cheek 2006). Attitudes develop from past experiences or observations and have been found to guide future behavior. Behavior is the way one acts and includes the things that we say or do, like facial expressions, hand gestures, eye contact and choice of words (Standen n.d.). Behavior is usually an outward expression of one’s attitude. However, the two are not always related. Attitudes are only one of the determinants of behavior. It is the predisposition to behave in a particular way in a given situation. However, how one would actually behave in a given scenario, depends on many other factors like immediate consequences of the behavior, perception of others viewing the behavior, personal habits and other situational factors (Standen n.d.). A classic example to describe this is the study conducted by LaPiere (1934) where he went on a tour with a Chinese couple (at a time when Chinese were discriminated against) in the southwest. He asked the hotel proprietors if this couple could stay in their hotel and also if they could eat there.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Fast Food in Malaysia Essay Example for Free

Fast Food in Malaysia Essay Restaurants have been around in some form for most of human civilization. But they usually catered to travelers. As far back as ancient Greece and Rome, inns and taverns generally served food to people who had a reason to be away from home. This trend continued until relatively recently. Although taverns and coffee houses were popular places to gather and share beverages in the 17th century, the idea of eating out for fun didnt take off in Western society until the late 18th century. Although McDonalds was the first restaurant to use the assembly-line system, some people think of White Castle as the first fast-food chain. White Castle was founded in 1921 in Wichita, Kansas. At the time, most people considered the burgers sold at fairs, circuses, lunch counters and carts to be low-quality. Many people thought hamburger came from slaughterhouse scraps and spoiled meat. White Castles founders decided to change the publics perception of hamburgers. They built their restaurants so that customers could see the food being prepared. They painted the buildings white and even chose a name that suggested cleanliness. White Castle was most popular in the American East and Midwest, but its success helped give hamburger meat a better reputation nationwide. So, like cars, White Castle played an important part in the development of fast food. Image courtesy Brands of the World The McDonald brothers opened their redesigned restaurant in 1948, and several fast-food chains that exist today opened soon after. Burger King and Taco Bell got their start in the 1950s, and Wendys opened in 1969. Some chains, like Carls Jr. , KFC and Jack in the Box, existed before the Speedee Service System, but modified their cooking techniques after its debut. McDonalds, which started it all, is now the worlds largest fast-food chain. According to the National Restaurant Association, American sales of fast food totaled $163. 5 billion in 2005 [ref]. The industry is growing globally as well. Total sales for McDonalds grew 5. 6 percent in 2005, and the company now has 30,000 franchised stores in more than 120 countries [ref and ref]. However, McDonalds and fast food in general does not always get a welcoming reception around the world. McDonalds restaurants have been attacked in several countries, including the United States, China, Belgium, Holland, India, Russia, Sweden and the U. K. Protestors have accused McDonalds and other chains of selling unhealthy food, marketing aggressively to children and undermining local values and culture.

Statement of Purpose Essay Example for Free

Statement of Purpose Essay I am excited at the prospect of pursuing a Masters in Accounting program (MAC) at North Carolina State University. I am confident that this program which integrates Accounting, Finance and Business studies is the most appropriate choice for me. Graduating from this program will enable me to carve out a career path in Accounting that I have always envisioned for myself here in the United States. My parents, who possess advance degrees in Business Administration, have been the biggest source of inspiration for me and have always encouraged me to pursue graduate level education in the United States. As a child, I was always fascinated with numbers and my interest in Math developed early in my academic career. I decided to further my interest in numbers by pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Business with a minor in computer education from one of the most reputed colleges in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. I chose to do a majority of my courses in Finance and Accounting. These courses enabled me to refine my problem-solving and analytical abilities. The multitude of group projects that I undertook as a part of my finance and accounting course work enabled me to refine and strengthen my leadership and inter-personal skills. I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge and experience of leading two projects with teams of 3-5 members. These projects were acknowledged as the ‘best in class’ which in turn increased my self-confidence. After completion of my bachelor’s degree, I decided to broaden the scope of my knowledge and experience. I successfully completed a one year Graduate level program in Financial Management together with a 6 month co-op at one of the India offices of Bank of America. My responsibilities at Bank of America included processing home loans and auditing mortgage documents. I was fascinated by the global reach of this company which opened a world of possibilities for me. My consistent interaction with the employees in the U.S enabled me to build effective communication skills and people skills. Now, having migrated to the United States, I am excited about exploring career opportunities at Bank of America. I strongly believe that pursuing the MAC program at North Carolina State University will serve as a perfect launch pad to achieve this goal. In order to lay a strong foundation of knowledge in accounting systems prevalent in the United States, I have completed 18 hours of Certificate of Accounting Program (CAP). The 6 graduate level courses included Federal Income Tax, Auditing, Accounting Information Systems, Intermediate Accounting I II and Management Accounting. By completing these courses, I have satisfied all the pre-requisites that I require to pursue the MAC program at North Carolina State University. I am excited that my dream of pursuing graduate education and a successful career in accounting here in the United States is at the cusp of fruition, and I look forward to being a proud graduate of MAC class of 2013.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Planning and Management of Conferences

Planning and Management of Conferences Manjot Singh Conference: It resembles a formal social gathering between the general populations to share their perspectives on a specific subject. For example, in business and political stream diverse gathering held to discuss the issues with the goal that they can resolve it effectively Conference Management:   It is the way toward dealing with a venture, for example, a meeting, tradition, tradeshow, group building action, gathering, or tradition. Occasion arranging incorporates planning, building up timetables, selecting and saving the occasion locales, obtaining licenses, arranging sustenance, organizing transportation, building up a subject, orchestrating exercises, selecting speakers and keynotes, masterminding hardware and offices, overseeing danger, and creating alternate courses of action. Maintain Conferences Management with Tools: There are some best tools which can be used for managing are explained below: Mitingu: Cloud-based occasion administration programming that gives occasion coordinators the apparatuses to make, advance and offer their occasions Double Dutch: Twofold Dutch makes portable applications for occasions, intended to connect with and please participants and create noteworthy achievement measurements Event rit: Occasion ceremony gives financially savvy occasion administration programming to help organizations sort out and offer tickets to occasions online-while peopling find occasions that fuel their interests. From patio grills to classes to gatherings to widely acclaimed film and music celebrations, Occasion custom houses occasions of all shapes and sizes. As one of todays driving occasion administration stages, Occasion ritual conveys inventive innovation and low expenses and if your occasion is free, so is Occasion custom. Take in more. Ivy Occasion Administration: Our Undertaking class, cloud-based Gathering and Occasions Administration programming furnishes occasion coordinators with every one of the devices they have to arrange, showcase and deal with each part of their occasion effectively and all in one place. From basic classes to multi-session meetings, we have you secured. With instinctive programming, delightful web and email formats, and our new move and customize site manufacturer it is simple for anybody to make proficient looking occasion sites and messages. O-Tux: O-Tux is an Australian-based Sales ticketing and enrolment framework that provides food for purchaser, business and corporate occasions. The framework is intended to be simple for coordinators to utilize, while conveying a finish ticketing and enrolment encounter for your clients. From identification printing and filtering, to limited time codes and installing of ticketing all alone site, O-tux is brimming with helpful elements since it was composed by occasions individuals, for occasions individuals. Policies and Procedure: There are some very important policies which one should take care to plan the conference: Anti-Discrimination Policy:   It should be necessary for any conference because the main purpose of this is equality and there are certain steps to follow this Uphold proper principles of direct at all times. create a separation and badgering free workplace where all representatives, temporary workers and clients are treated with politeness and regard implement methods to ensure workers know their rights and duties provide a viable system for grumblings in light of the standards of regular equity treat all grumblings with deference in a reasonable, opportune and secret way ensure there is no danger of exploitation or backlash in case of a dissension encourage workers to report ruptures of the counter separation approach Assignments Strategy: It is likewise the real one to take after on the grounds that this approach which is given to the a particular position or an individual They are given to classified positions wherever conceivable with a much littler number of individual positions practicing particular duties identified with the utilitarian part and power of their specific position. The appointments archive is surveyed every year with a view to enhancing its utility and pertinence to the authoritative structure of the College. The designations in this instrument are intended to: A be clear and straightforward; b. establish fitting procedures of duty and responsibility for different regulatory capacities; c. Devolve basic leadership to suitable levels. †¢By determination of the Leading body of Trustees these appointments produce results on and from 1 January 2016 subject to any further revision. They supplant any surviving assignments in past adaptations of this Appointments archive. You have selected the maximum of 4 products toBudget: It is the most important factor because budgeting is very serious. The whole business depends on this category and one should need to learn how to save more money. A project budget is the total sum of money allocated for the particular purpose of the project for a specific period of time. The goal of budget management is to control project costs within the approved budget and deliver the expected project goals that are why it is so important every person and family create a budget that works for them. Item Projected Real Fixed costs Site hire $6000 $6000 Orator fees $300 $150 Publicity $600 $400 Acoustic visual hire $100 $350 Total $7000 $7700 Variable costs Cookery $500 $400 Present bags $1500 $1200 Accommodate hire $1000 $800 Total $3000 $2400 Fixed income Organisations contribution $5000 $5500 Total $5000 $5500 Variable income Permit sales $2000 $1700 Track material $3000 $400 Total $5000 $2100 Strategies for Budget: Strategies of budgeting is important factor which involves clearly defining the organizations mission and an assessment of its current state and competitive landscape. Strategic planning also requires a well-thought out plan for how to properly allocate time, human capital and financial resources. The different strategies are explained below: Recognized settled cost: The principal thing anybody hoping to make a financial plan ought to do is make a rundown of costs. This incorporates things, for example, voyaging costs, convenience, bills and whatever else that cant be maintained a strategic distance from, alongside superfluous costs like stimulation and eating out. Assess the amount you ordinarily spend on each, and make a note alongside them. When this is finished, investigate the rundown. Approximation Profit: Then we need to gauge our wage. Wage can likewise be altered or variable. Altered pay alludes to salary that does not vary with the quantity of participants, for instance: sponsorship and so on. Variable earnings will vary with the quantity of participants, for instance: ticket deals and so forth. Parts of a Financial Plan: An ace spending plan is the money related report utilized for anticipating the salary and costs of an organization, instead of a division, item, or other territory of a business. From the ace spending plan, a little entrepreneur can build up an assortment of reports to set particular objectives for the business. The real parts of an ace spending plan incorporate wage and costs, overhead and creation costs, and the month to month, yearly, normal, and projection aggregates. Income: One of the two fundamental parts of an ace spending plan is salary. This incorporates your deals, as well as any premium, profits, eminences or other capital increases you win. In the event that you wont utilize these last types of salary to run your organization, abandon them off your lord spending plan, making it a working spending plan concentrated on pay from deals. Some ace spending plans incorporate a terrible obligation section, figuring it utilizing a rate of the business wage. Expenses: The other primary part of an ace spending plan is costs. Some little entrepreneurs make sub-parts of their lord spending costs to figure spending ranges they can cut amid moderate times, or to ascertain generation and overhead expenses. A settled cost is one you cant without much of a stretch change from month to month, for example, your lease, protection premium, advance instalment or copier rent. You will probably have the capacity to cut variable costs in case youre short on money, in light of the fact that a significant number of these are optional. Assign repeating variable costs you cant without much of a stretch cut, for example, utilities, telephone bills or work, uniquely in contrast to variable costs you cant change, so you can rapidly discover spots to cut when the need emerges. To make an adaptable spending plan, utilize recipes that change your optional spending taking into account your pay. Projections: An accommodating part of numerous financial plans is the projection adds up to segment, which demonstrates to you how youll end the year in the event that you keep performing at your present levels of pay and spending. These can be skewed on the off chance that you have substantial cost or pay sums ahead of schedule in the year. Taking a gander at your execution for a specific month ordinarily isnt a practical pointer of your general execution, since you will have more bills come due in a few months. Times of higher bills can incorporate the start of the year when expenses are expected, dates when quarterly protection premiums or duties are expected, or times when you have occasional deals crests and valleys. Averaging your month to month pay and costs can help you anticipate your yearly execution in the event that you dont have occasional swings and your costs are genuinely relentless. Planning Conference:   Itis very important to handle the work. Being a part of busy Conf and helping conference organizers take their event from idea to launch has shown me that this is true. One of the difficult parts of planning a conference is finding resources to help you organize your event that are affordable, or even free. To save you time when searching for resources, we have compiled a list of conference planning resources that can help you find a venue, book speakers, promote your event, and more. Finding a Setting: Finding and booking a scene can be a distressing background, particularly for first-time gathering coordinators. Leasing a scene is frequently the greatest cost included when arranging a gathering. These instruments make finding and booking settings in your general vicinity less complex and less expensive. Event Hardware: Gear rentals are nearly as distressing as finding a setting. Leasing hardware is frequently costly and tedious. On the off chance that your occasion needs complex sound and visual hardware, leasing and setting it up can be troublesome.   These administrations help occasion coordinators find and set up gear. Event Sponsorship: Occasions are costly, and without enough sponsorship cash and a careful spending plan, your arrangements may very well come up short because of an absence of assets. Discovering supporters is something that a great deal of first time coordinators battle with. These assets will help you raise cash for your occasion, discover supports, and make a financial plan. Milestones of Conference: A Milestone is a reference point that marks a major event in a project and is used to monitor the projects progress. The milestones for a project should present a clear sequence of events that will incrementally build up to the completion of the approved project. Expand Proclamation: As we realize that, each individual attempt to enhance his relational abilities. By this he can enhance his identity. Along these lines, the meeting is the most ideal route for each business part to enhance his relational abilities. Moving into Future: If the organization needs to move persistently in future then the gatherings ought to be essential for this on the grounds that by this they can give the more data in market about its items, strategies and methods. Produce Income: Each organization needs to acquire increasingly income. At that point the gathering is likewise the most ideal approach to procure income. Amplify Relations in Market: If the organization needs to build its relations in the market then the gatherings ought to be important in light of the fact that by this each organization can enhance its relations with shareholders, indebted individuals, loan bosses and so forth.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Does Birth Order Affect the Way You Are? Essay examples -- essays rese

Does Birth Order Affect the Way You Are? Bob likes to be the center of attention. Joe feels that he has authority. Julia tries to outdo everyone and Jimmy just wants to be bigger than the others. What do these all have to do with Birth Order? These all deal with the children’s characteristics depending upon when they were born. Birth Order is the cause of each person’s personality and individual characteristics. Using "Bob" as an example, he enjoys being the center of attention. He is obviously an only child. "As an only child, one will develop those characteristics from always having to cope with playing alone and with having to fend off adult intrusion" (Stein 1). Children that are the only child, found from research, seem to have the "Leave me alone, I’d rather do it myself" attitude (Isaacson 1). This would definitely have a thing or two to do with how this child would act and go throughout life. "This child will usually stay on the path" (Isaacson 1). With the few characteristics shown, one can tell that because of being an only child, this person will end up going through life looking at things in a different way than those that grow up with siblings. Likewise, a child that was the only child, but then has a younger sibling brought into the family will also have different characteristics. "Once the second child is born, there is a feeling of abandonment to the first born child" ( Isaacson 3). "The first born child will show a demanding behavior" (Isaacson 3). "They may even show off just because they want to get the attention that they have lost" (Isaacson 3). Once the second child comes along, the first born child feels that they have the power (Isaacson 2). "This child will usually pursue many different goals quickly" (Isaacson 3). Further on in life this child will more than likely have a different attitude toward life than a child born second or third. "First borns, grow up knowing they are bigger, stronger, and smarter than their younger siblings" ( Cowly 68). In the long run, they will continue to act in this manner and be successful in their own way. Along comes the second or middle child, which is assumed to get all of the attention. "Yet, the attention toward the second born is lost as the first born aggressively takes it away" (Isaacson... ...attributed in part to their belonging to a unique social group based on their order of birth in the family" (Kasschau 21). A lot of studies were done and it was found that in most cases, when there were no intrusions on how the family was raised, birth order had an effect on people’s personalities (Leman 33). Just think about it. If one was the oldest, they would feel far more superior than the other siblings (Isaacson 2). On the other hand, if one was the youngest, or the baby of the family, they would get spoiled and wish to be older than the others (Isaacson 4). The middle child usually feels stuck, as if they do not get their way in any situation (Isaacson 3). All of these would affect how a person grows up. Each individuals personality and characteristics are determined by their birth order. When "Bob," the only child grows older, his attitude and personality upon things will be different than "Joe’s," who is the first born child. Same goes for the second born, third born, and so on. All of these children will grow up with different parenting, caused by when they were born. They will be unlike each other since they were born in that specific order.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Wedding Traditions Across Different Cultures Essay -- Weddings Marriag

Wedding Traditions Across Different Cultures When it comes to planning a wedding, people have to worry not only about food, flowers, and what they wear, they also have to honor many traditions, even if they don't understand their origins or meanings. However, to not follow these traditions, understood or not, might mean bad luck for the marriage or, at the very least, disgruntled wedding guests. Every culture cherishes its own marriage traditions and superstitions. Many are not understood but are still seriously followed because 'it's always been done that way'; (Kendrick). Even people not normally superstitious wouldn't think of violating these traditions. Many traditions originated from old rhymes, folktales or tribal traditions whose origins are lost in time. For example, one of the original meanings of the word 'wedding'; was to gamble or wager. This comes from the time when a bride price was required before marriage. This bride price could include land, social status, political alliances or money. Thus, the 'Anglo-Saxon word 'wedd' meant that the groom would vow to marry the woman, but it also referred to the bride price (money or barter) to be paid by the groom to the bride's father'; (Kendrick). There are equally surprising origins for such traditions as the ring finger, wedding ring, engagement ring (and its diamond), and wedding cake. For example, the finger used as the ring finger differs from culture to culture. In Greece during the third century the index finger was used. In India they used the thumb. The 'modern'; ring finger started being used in the fourth century when the Greeks originated the belief that the third finger was connected to the heart by the 'vena amoris,'; or the vein of love. (Kendrick). Use of a wedding ring can be traced back to Roman times, and even back then it was made of gold. Roman rings were often decorated with a carving of two hands to symbolize two people journeying through life together as one. Early women's rings also had keys carved in them, symbolizing that women were able to unlock the hearts of their husbands. It was 'Pope Nicholas I [in 860 AD, who first] decreed an engagement ring become a required statement of nuptial intent,'; (Kendrick). He insisted that this ring also be ma... ...untie these knots (Kendrick). The honeymoon is considered a time for the new couple to escape all of the pre- wedding stresses and just enjoy relaxing with each other before the pressures of married life set in. Karl says the 'moon'; part of the honeymoon was because customarily the bride and groom would go away for a whole month, or from full moon to full moon (132). A honey-flavored wine was frequently enjoyed on the getaway. 'Honey was the ancient symbol of life, health, and fertility,'; (Karl132). The two words eventually were combined to denote the honeymoon we know today. Wedding cakes and diamond rings, white gowns and garters, veils and ring fingers. These and other traditions of the modern wedding all have their origins in beliefs and superstitions that are centuries old. Planning a modern wedding can be a hectic, nerve wracking experience, and the chaos can often blind the young couple to the true meaning of the ceremony they are about to share. Perhaps if a modern couple took the time to understand some of the ceremony's customs and traditions their wedding day would have even greater meaning for them.